Wednesday 18 March 2015

Guppy Fish Keeping

Guppy Fish Keeping Simple Tips.

  • Guppies the most popular freshwater fish in tropical this species  famous for  his vibrant color and his beautiful fins.
  • Concede good foods to your Guppies. Although a good diet can not open their hearts   weekly twice give natural foods its help to give a color and long fin such as (brain shrimp,blood worms)
  • Normally Guppies comfortable in 20-30 gallon tank its enough for 3 pair of guppies This Species sexually maturity every 2-3 months it will giving births for future precaution large tank helps to save and increase your guppy fishes.
  • Lighting is keep your guppies visible and glow your guppies in lightning mode its improve to help your guppies spinal system strong light kill the fungi in water.
  • Filtration its keep your water clean use hang on filter or exterior canister this kind of  filtration are depended on you tank size.
  • Maintain your tank water temperature guppies living and comfortable with 75 degrees maintaining temperature 60-90 right temperature extend your guppy live.
  • Guppies naturally quiet calm fish this species live with other sociable fishes like eg:(tetra,danio,mollys) avoid aggressive fishes these fishes are damage your guppy fin don't add big fishes in your tank they are swallow the full guppy fish avoid the both kind of species.


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