Wednesday 8 April 2015

Guppies Suicidal Reason

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Suicidal Attempt Guppies.

Have you ever forgotten to close the lid of your aquarium and bitterly find that one of your fish had to spend the night out of his tank?

This problem occurs when the guppies are in a group (overcrowding) or isolation. Maybe you think your guppy was suicidal?

A new study by the Biologist Daphne Soares De Freitas from the University of Maryland, an expert on the circuits of the brain and behavior of the animal, a try to discover what was hidden in the head of our friends "Guppy" to get answers about this strange behavior. 

Usually when a fish jumps, it does so to escape a predator or to catch prey, but then that happens for selection guppies that are not faced with these two cases?

Puzzled, the Soares biologist and a colleague used high-speed video imaging to analyze the specific preparatory movements jump guppy.

(Explain Video)

The jump takeoff is fast, even out of the water guppy still blows all over his body and his tail beats trying to go as far as possible, it will not reach all the same not exceed from up to eight times the length of its body at a speed of about one meter per second and a half, they have concluded that guppies do not jump for the usual reasons that induce other fish trying to s' facing escape predators or in the hope of catching prey, but simply in order to quickly reach a different habitat.

The biologist Soares started to think more about the living conditions of guppies in the wild, she will see later in streams of native mountains of Trinidad, guppies manage to colonize different areas and zones water blocked by obstacles such as rocks. The strange jump guppy would be deliberated and selected by the latter as its species dispersal strategy.


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