Wednesday 8 April 2015

Guppy Body Color Findout

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The background color is the color of guppy at birth (this is often the same for males and females from the same litter). This color is very visible at the "cap" of the guppy (the small area that is on his head).

You should know that wild guppies are all background color "Grey" is a color "Dominant" genetically speaking. All other background colors are carried by recessive genes.

Different background colors:

  • Gray: This is the dominate color of wild guppy, so this is the color that is most prevalent in our aquariums.
  • Gold or gold (recessive color called "tiger" by our Asian friends and coded tt), fish are dark yellow scales with fringed black pigments.
  • Blonde (recessive color coded bb, compared with a gray guppy or other coded BB uppercase letter, meaning that the genes are not in the heritage guppy). The color is a very light yellow, almost transparent but reflections are often a very bright yellow.
  • Blue: (recessive color coded rr). Fish are devoid of yellow and red pigments. They are bluish, almost transparent.
  • Pink: (recessive color coded pp), fish have a lack of melanophores in their caudal peduncle (which causes a pink color), the fact that pink is a background color is not shared by all specialists.
  • Albino (aa recessive color coded), fish are yellow with red eyes.
  • White: (double recessive color coded bbrr). Fish are derived from a cross between blond and blue guppies guppy, their body is very close to the white paper.
  • Silver (recessive dual color coded TWPP). Fish are derived from a cross between gold and blue guppies guppy, there is a lack of yellow and red pigments, the scales are lined with dark pigments.
  • Cream: (double recessive color coded bbtt). Fish are derived from a cross between gold guppies and blond guppies. They are cream (cream style vanilla), we see a slightly orange-yellow coloring.
  • Lutino (recessive color coded ll). It is a form of albinism (lack of melanin in the body), the eyes are not fully red grapes but color.

Other background colors are known:

Asian blue (recessive color). Lack of red and yellow pigment on the body and fins.

Hell Blau (recessive color). Lack of red and yellow pigment on the body, but may have some yellow on the fins.

Blue Albino: (double recessive color). This would appear to be the same as guppy albino white, there is a lack of melanin and yellow and red pigment on the body varies according to the intensity of the blue.

White Albino / Super white (color triple recessive). The color of the guppy is near the albino blue, there is also the absence of melanin and yellow and red pigment on the body.

There are other combinations of double and triple recessive (more), then it becomes very difficult to identify these guppies.


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