Wednesday 8 April 2015

High Breed Guppies

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International Show Tail Guppies Breeding Categories.

The IHS guide (standard international breeding), written for the first time in 1981 by Austrian breeders of Ö.GG association, also members of the IKGH defines 19 surface colors.
Now according to the latest version of IHS dating from 2009 (the 2014 version is currently being finalized), surface colors are:

1. Red

In this group we find the full red (full English 'whole' and red, 'red', "whose whole body is red"). Whole body of the guppy is colored a very bright red, orangish.

2. Blue

3. Green

4. Yellow

5. White

6. Black

7. Neon

In this group we find the:
• Neon: The colors are pastels and inconspicuous, it is however the reflections that are very marked in these guppies where the red, blue and green are common, the tail is almost always white or clear. This color is also known as pastel appellation.
• Platinum: Very similar to neon, but the patterns are less pronounced and the gray is more present, the tail is often red.

8. Moscow

In this group we find the blue and green moscow. The guppy is blue, with gradients on the front part of the body, the tail is a very dark blue with dark reflections or sometimes greenish. Rather diffuse green marks are found on the sides and it is not rare to find the black borders on the fins.

9. Metallic

10. Black 1/2 and 3/4 Black

In this group we find the half black (known as the 'HB') (English half, 'half' and black, "black", "half black"). The back half of the guppy is black with very light bluish; drift specimens have a color other than black tail.

11. Snakeskin and Filigran

In this group we find the snakeskin (from snakeskin English, 'snakeskin') do not always color khaki, this pattern imitating snake skin is found in the other specimens colors. Also known under the name 'Cobra' or 'King Cobra'.

12. Emerald Vienna

13. Single Color

14. Multicolor

15. AC (All colors)

This color group is a technical group that allows for a competition to gather fish belonging to the same standard and with the same background color.

16. AOC (All other colors)

This color group is a technical group that allows for a competition to bring any of the fish belonging to the same standard and with the same background color.

17. Mixed

18. Blue Japanese (Japan Blue)

19. Red and Blue Grass Grass

Following crosses, or sometimes impromptu errors, breeders have achieved and sometimes manage to fix other unrecognized surface colors now by IHS guide whose characters and visual results are sometimes sublime; Unfortunately, there is very little information on the origin of the crossings that allowed get these colors.

A non-exhaustive list of surface colors out IHS: the tuxedo, the russian king, magenta, störzbach the lace, the mosaic, the santa maria, american pink, lapis, the zebrinus.


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