Tuesday 7 April 2015

Cannibalism among guppies

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Poecilia reticulata couple -TOBAGO Speyside

You've probably already ask one of the following questions during the daily inspection of your aquarium:

    1.Why he left me very little fry while my female was packed?
    2.Why does my female swallows his little after giving birth?

I'll give you three guesses explaining the gesture of these cannibalistic females:

They probably do not have parental instinct:
Sometimes guppies give birth without being ready to become parents, this explains the complete lack of parental instinct and the development of the cannibal instinct.

Baby Fries Trap

They spend recover energy during childbirth:
During gestation, they consume a large amount of nutritious food (Artemia, glitters, granules ... etc) to their supply sufficient energy for growth of future fry.

This energy disappears during childbirth, so we can assume that swallowing their young, they are enabled to get a strong capital it will spend in the next gestations.

They practice natural selection:
You are probably trying to ask you what I mean! Do not worry I will not digress, female guppies also practice the selection.

At birth a fry in shape thinking swim fast to find a hiding place and expect to live longer than his brothers and sisters and weakened debased by their parents. That is why I use the term natural selection, only the healthy guppies will be able to survive, others will be eaten see death from malnutrition or malformation.

Sometimes you see the good side of things, that natural selection will also help you maintain healthy guppies, which is a major asset for a future generation of quality.

Finally in the wild, cannibalism of these guppies is not a problem, however for us, selecting breeders or not, it tends to make us sad not reap the fruits of our patience. Note however that there are insulation systems that you can buy or tinkering allowing you to have a better performance.


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