Monday 29 June 2015

Avo Self Cleaning Aquarium


Avo  its a auto self filtration technology no need to require any carbon or chemicals to remove the fungs or other wasted things in water.

Most of the time over feeding and fish feces are raised the ammonia level in water, which is poisonous to species.avo control the ammonia into nitrate maintain the good environment .

Avo raise the technology in aquarium efficiency filter used in Avo  perfect are to place the led light and heater ,filter media maintain and many ways to help the live plants .

Friday 26 June 2015

Freshwater Compatibility Chart

Compatibility Tank Mate Video

Tank mate selection chart for your freshwater aquarium. difficult thing in aquarium  how to add a tank mates  most of the times select the wrong species to add in aquarium this kind of selection getting worse and non compatible species kill the week species and generate the disease.

before select the species check the tank mate chart  compatibility or non compatibility some species are group of fish in temperament and may not correspond check the chart below.

Thursday 18 June 2015

Super Pneumatic Filter

Biochemical Activated Carbon Filter

  • Super Pneumatic filtration is high density and simple biochemical filter technology.
  • Its almost looks like sponge filter but its design and performance are more than good compare with sponge filter. 
  • It can absorb the dirt quickly added with activated carbon for filtration suck the fish feces and eliminate smell in water and maintain the oxygen level for long time.

Biochemical Activated Carbon Filter Video

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