Friday 10 April 2015

Fan Tail Guppy

International Point Table For Competitive Guppies 

International  guppy Standards

Inter Hochzucht Standard (IHS) or international standard breeding high-level guppy determines the ideal image of different types of guppies that are found in Europe, it is the goal toward which previously envisaged European breeders guide personal selections; it serves as a guideline for international judgments.

Use of this breeding standard is permitted to everyone, as long as it specifically relates to, its changes are decided with a majority of 2/3 at conferences bringing together European associations affiliated to IKGH.

Fan Tail
International Point Table

The tail fin has a triangular shape extensive in length with a 45 ° angle, the ideal length of 10/10 of the length of the body. Boundaries are straight, the passages may be rounded. The dorsal fin is slim, stiff at first, then gradually pointed to the end of the first third of the caudal fin.

Awarding points for length:

10/10 of the length of the body = 10 points
8/10 of the length of the body = 8 points
7/10 of the length of the body = 5 points
6/10 of the length of the body = 2 points
Below = 0 points
8/10 exceeding the length of the body = up - 3 points

Points deduction examples deformities:


45 ° = no deduction
35 ° = - 2 points
30 ° = - 4 points
Below = 0 points
50 ° = - 4 points
Above = - 8 points
The end of the blade is concave or convex to = - 2 points
The end of the fin is to bias = - 4 points
The end of the fin is strongly serrated = up - 5 points
The top and bottom of the fin forms a different angle = up - 5 points
The edges of the sides of the fin are jagged or split up = - 2 points
Junction points are too strongly rounded up = - 2 points
The top and bottom of the fin are concave or convex = up - 2 points

The sum withdrawals can not exceed 20 points.

Awarding points for length:

Until the end of the first third of the caudal fin = 5 points
Until the beginning of the tail = 3 points
Below the length is from 1 to 2 points
Fin beyond the first third of the caudal up = - 3 points

Points deduction example deformities:

Fin beginning not rising enough to = - 3 points
Heavily damaged fin = up - 2 points

Fin does not conform to the original shape = up - 7 points


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