Wednesday 1 July 2015

DIY Stone Sponge Filter

Here the list of the things we need.

  1. plastic jar  (5 or 6 inch)
  2. Air stone
  3. PVC pipe joiner 
  4. Air Controller 
  5. Stones
  6. Air Pipe Joiner
  7. Normal Air Pump

Which is most important  in a home aquariums?
Water Quality.

Maintain the water quality its been a difficult one in aquariums, you have to figure out how to resolve this dirt things in water will choose a filter on regular basis its very suited for home aquarium.

These days filters are expensive always have option to reduce the costs its the way if you can make yourself .Sponge filters are very familiar and easiest one in aquariums this guide will help you how to make your own DIY sponge filter.

Step 1

5 or 6 inch height Container jar  don't use a big jar its not work out for air pump sponge filters.

Step 2
Put a hole or stripes in a container its used to suck a water inside the jar.

Step 3
Put a small hole in a bottom of container and add a pipe joiner its a way to connect your air pipe.

Step 4
Insert the small pipe inside of your Container it has help to center the air stone.

Step 5
Use air controller  normally controller have two hole ends. use one end to connect the stone another end used to connect with small pipe inside of your container.

Step 6
after insert the pipe with air stone add some gravels its used to help  stable the filter in bottom of your tank then fill with sponge its been suck the dirt in the water . 

Step 7
Put a hole top of the container and used any of  1 inch  PVC  Joiner. this joiner helped to set a right way to flow the air in water. 

Once if you completed connect with air pump and enjoy thanks for reading if you have any Doubts watch this Making Video.


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